Students personality and field of study
pedagogy, psychology, personality, students, universitiesAbstract
Background and aim. Personality is shaped through external interactions and interests. The aim of the study was to check whether university students have a similar personality (as applicants for higher education) or a different personality (due to their field of study). Material and method. 60 full-time students aged between 20 and 29 years old were examined in three groups of 20 people from universities: University School of Physical Education in Wrocław (field of study: Sport), University of Zielona Góra (field of study: Construction) and University of Economics in Wrocław (field of study: Economics). The Personality Inventory NEO-FFI was used to measure personality. Results. Only one statistically significant difference was noted. Economics students had a lower level of neuroticism compared to sports students. Conclusions. The personality of students is not dependent on the field of study. Students as applicants for higher education have a similar personality.References
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