The theoretical model of formation of readiness of future teachers of physical education in the organization of extracurricular activities on tourism
model, future teachers of physical education, extracurricular work, tourism, readiness,Abstract
The article presents a theoretical model of readiness of the future teacher of physical education in the organization of extracurricular activities on tourism as a system of four interconnected blocks: conceptual, content, technological and effective - correctional. Conceptual block contains the purpose, a list of tasks, general scientific approaches and principles of teaching. The purpose of the article is to determine and justify the component model of readiness of the future teacher of physical education in the organization
of extracurricular activities with tourism. Content block models constitute the professionally oriented and sports-pedagogical discipline.Technological block of model of readiness of the future teacher of physical education in the organization of extracurricular activities on tourism comprises the steps of the model realization (preparatory, operating, diagnostic - effective), pedagogical conditions of formation of readiness of the future teacher of physical education in the organization of extracurricular activities in tourism and technology of their implementation. Effective - correctional block contains the structural components (motivational - orientation, cognitive, practical and personal), criteria (axiological, epistemological, operational and integrational) and levels (high, medium, basic and low) of formation of readiness of the future teacher of physical education in the organization of extracurricular activities in tourism. Pedagogical conditions of formation of future teachers of physical education in the organization of extracurricular activities with tourism are identified as: formation of future physical education teachers’ motivational systems to implement extracurricular activities of tourism which are based on consideration of their individual psychological characteristics; strengthening of semantic saturation of the educational process of formation of future physical education in the organization of extracurricular activities in tourism by introducing a variable subject "The organization of extracurricular activities on tourism" and addition of the content of other disciplines with relevant modules; provision of modern information and methodological support of the educational process of formation of future physical education teachers for extracurricular activities in tourism.The set of components of the educational process, designed to ensure the implementation of the pedagogical conditions and to achieve the goal of forming the future teachers of physical education in the organization of extracurricular activities with tourism was justified.
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