The problem of training of future teachers of physical education for organization of competitive activities in the field of professional education
professional training, competitive activities, future teachers, physical educationAbstract
Using theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of a study,
it has been revealed and reasoned in the article certain factors which affect the training process of future teachers of physical education for professional work and stated that the present requirements for professional competence of a teacher, its theoretical and practical training become more expressed and must be aimed at the development of a teacher’s personality with such qualities that would meet the current requirements of the present time and ensure success of practical activity. It has been revealed and described abilities that must be mastered by the future teachers of physical education for the successful implementation of their professional activity, and skills required for the successful organization of competitive activities
on sport games. It has been defined that the future teacher of physical education must be prepared for teaching, educational, scientific an methodological, organizational and supervisory activities in the system
of secondary education according to the obtained specialty, where the typical kinds of its activities are
as follows: educational, health and fitness, sports, organizational, recreation and preventive activities and include: planning physical education process; organizing and conducting physical education lessons; conducting educational and training lessons, organizing sports classes work, training school teams for competitive activities; promoting healthy lifestyles and monitoring the level of health and physical fitness of students; development of own professional level, summing up and implementing advanced experience
of work.
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