Sharing economy in axiological perspective
sharing economy, entrepreneurship model, social movement, axiologyAbstract
Motivation: The issue of sharing economy is the subject of a broad debate in the circle of politicians and economists who see it as an opportunity for boosting economic development. Simultaneously, there have been discussions about non-economic significance of this phenomenon and its impact on other areas of social life.
Aim: The aim of this paper is to show that the dispute concerning the values for this area of phenomena is mainly a result of lack of unresolved issues related to an adopted axiological perspective. The author’s intention is to present argumentation supporting the thesis that the term ‚sharing economy’ may by referred to two — relating to various normative beliefs — categories of social phenomena: business practice and social movement.
Results: Inclusion of various axiological contexts leads to diverse characteristics of the phenomena belonging to the sharing economy practice and the identification of their social significance.
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