Technology as a stimulus for the development of creative capital at the local level on the example of municipalities of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship
technology, creative capital, commune, PodkarpacieAbstract
Motivation: Development is influenced by various determinants whose strength, direction and range of influence change over time. Creative capital is considered to be a variable that affects the development of countries and cities. The concept of creative capital results from the theory of R. Florida, which defines them by presenting the assumptions of the creative class. Both technology, talent and tolerance are factors that affect local development but, according to the concept mentioned above, they also stimulate the development of creative capital.
Aim: The purpose of the paper is to assess technology as determinants of the development of creative capital in the communes of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.
Results: The author’s modification of Florida’s methodology related to one of the criteria, i.e. technology is a novelty in the research approach is. It is also a new approach to technology analysis as determinants not only of local development but also of creative capital at the local level. Features indicating technology assessed using statistical data place the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in a lower position compared to the whole country. Only the share of newly registered creative sector entities is close to the result for Poland. The assessment, which applied indirect measures, shows that technological conditions in municipalities to the largest extent describe the ability of people to use specialized knowledge in the municipality in their work and personal life. Technology, which determines development, and also indicates the advancement of society, is important at the global level but also at the local level as evidenced by responses regarding openness to new technologies. The comparison of both groups of respondents shows that the possibilities of developing creative capital through the lens of features describing technology were rated by residents of municipalities rather than officials.
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