Knowledge in economic terms: significance of information in a modern company
knowledge, information, municipal sectorAbstract
Motivation: Knowledge is a collection of reliable information on the reality with the ability to use it. Information on the other hand is a set of communication messages, including beliefs of individuals, their views and ideas, scientific laws and theories as well as art and subjective opinions. Information has always constituted a material and form of experiencing humanity. It is necessary for making decisions.
Aim: The purpose of the article is to: (1) define key terms included in the study, (2) present the role of information in a modern company on the example of municipal management entities in correlation with information needs of stakeholders from this sector.
Results: Defining the stakeholders of municipal management entities and information policy of these entities as well as indicating key tools of this policy. Presenting the findings of the research on information needs of municipal sector stakeholders in the light of making decisions by society.
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