Biological Evolution, Cultural Evolution and the Evolution of Language. Review of Daniel Dennett’s From Bacteria to Bach and Back
universal Darwinism, AI, cognitive science, Darwinian Spaces, biological evolution, cultural evolution, evolution of language, memeticsAbstract
Abstract. Daniel Dennett is one of the giants of contemporary philosophy. His new book, From Bacteria to Bach and Back, does reiterates the old motifs, such as “strange inversion of reasoning” or “production without comprehension”. But it isfirst and foremost a new project, whose goal is to calibrate the theory of universalDarwinism to the very recent developments in science, technology and our lifestyles,the most important of which is the coming of Artificial Intelligence. What Dennett does in the new book offers us “thinking tools” (his own phrase) to understand thischanging reality by means of basic Darwinian principles.
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Jena’s Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, https://www.shh. 01.2018.
Cultural Evolution Society, 01.2018.
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