Determinism, Indeterminism and Autodeterminism of the Evolutionary Processes
determinism, indeterminism, autodeterminism, evolutionary processes,Abstract
Controversies about the deterministic and indeterministic interpretation of the events occurring in nature have a long history. Incidentally deterministic view of the world in its extreme form revealed itself in the mechanism created by classical physics. This mechanism announces that unequivocal natural laws are of universal nature and are unquestiobly obligatory. This view has been questioned. Nevertheless the very principle of events determination is particularly as methodological postulate of biological research. At the same time it must not be forgotten that a considerable part of the processes occurring in nature is subject to probability regularities, that is to casual conditioning which is possible to characterized within statistical framework.References
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Kazimierz Kloskowski Academy Of Catholic Theology Department Of Philosophy 01-815 Warszawa, Poland Dewajtis St. nr 5
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