On The Problems of the Purposefulness of Biological Evolution
biological evolution, adaptiveness, teleological explanation problemAbstract
E. Schrodinger characterized the twentith century as an age of evolution. One needn’t to prove the obviousness because the gradual and continuous process of changes is the distinctive feature of the origin and the growth of the universe, life and man. Although it is difficult to answer in an adequate way the question of the nature of that process. Especially when we rafer to the biological evolution which not only the biologists but philosophers as well make their attempts to explain. And both parties face some typical difficulties and liminations. The biologists cencentrate on the „discovery” of the essence of the physical and chemical changes leading to the synthesis of the macromolecules, developing the sets of macromolecules into a mother cell and the growth of the mother cell into a man. In this way the biologists try to find the principles explaining these phenomenous.References
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