Synaesthesia quotient: operationalising an individual index of phenotypic expressivity of developmental synaesthesia
synaesthesia, Synaesthesia Quotient, individual degree of expressivity, measure scale, self-rating inventoryAbstract
The primary purpose of our current study is to develop a novel selfadministered or/and interviewer-assisted instrument rating an individual degree of phenotypic expressivity of synaesthesia. A measurement index of such a degree is conceptualised as Synaesthesia Quotient (SynQ). This article will detail the initial stage of the scale development; i.e., conceptualisation, domains identification, item generation, and identification of rating values of the proposed scale. Ten preliminary domains are determined and related items are generated on the basis of empirical data from synaesthesia literature review, extant measures, and external neuroscientific results. Further work is underway to perform judgment-based item expansion (or reduction) informed by expert opinion and to assess the validity and reliability of the Synaesthesia Quotient inventory (SynQ-i). This paper is also intended to solicit postpublication feedback and generate specialist discussion.
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