The pitfalls of a literal translation of the Russian exclamation Ба!: using examples from “The Master and Margarita” and other literary works
the role of exclamation marks in translation, the Russian exclamation mark Ба! and its equivalents in other languages, copying vs. faithful translation, the appropriateness of expressing emotions in the translation of the classics, Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita”, Gogol’s “Dead Souls”, Dostoevsky’s “The Brothers Karamazov”, Radishchev’s “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”, Griboyedov’s “Woe to the Wise”, Fonvizin’s “The Nobleman’s Son”, translator’s creativityAbstract
The pitfalls of a literal translation of the Russian exclamation Ба!: using examples from “The Master and Margarita” and other literary works
The text deals with the problem of translating exclamation marks and the appropriateness of conveying the emotions they convey. Numerous quotations illustrate the meaning of the Russian word Ба!, which in the original refers to surprise, amazement at the sight of someone/something, especially at an unexpected encounter. A literal translation in such situations is not justified in Polish, as the Polish unit ba – which is not identical to the Russian one – functions differently. It falls into the category of apposition or metatextual commentary, always referring to the content of the earlier context.
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