Camaldolese Hermits Congregation of the Crown Mountain, Bl. Paul Giustiniani, the Rules of Eremitic, Life Camaldolese hermitages of the Polish-Lithuanian province, the hermitage in Wigry, daily life of the Camaldolese monks, monastic life in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th-19th c.Abstract
Relatively much has been written about the activities of the Congregation of the Camaldolese Hermits of the Crown Mountain in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Most often, the subject of research is the material achievements of the order, while there is no analysis of the spiritual sphere, the observance of the monastic rule, or the daily life of the Camaldolese monks. Contemporary historiography is increasingly interested in the daily life of consecrated persons. Léo Moulin, a Belgian medieval historian, noted: “the religious world is vast, varied, and complex.” Orders in the history of the Catholic Church have realized their own charisms through prayer or, for example, through activities in the field of mercy. Camaldolese was founded in Italy in the 11th century. Over time, the order gradually changed its character from eremitic to cenobic. At the beginning of the 16th century, Bl. Paul Giustiniani initiated a return to the former radical hermit life. The Crown Mountain (Monte Corona) near Perugia became the central house of the restored Camaldolese Order. The daily life of the Camaldolese Congregation was determined by the Rules of Eremitic Life written by Giustiniani in 1516. The aim of this article is to present the everyday life of the Camaldolese monks in the Wigry herm in the years 1667–1800, one of the richest monasteries in Poland, based on documents relating to this hermit community.
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