ecumenism, pluralism, podstmodernism, Raymund Schwager, Michael WelkerAbstract
The ecumenical aspiration ‘that all may be one’ seems to be extraordinarily difficult in an age of postmodern pluralism. But, does diversity have to negate by its very nature the ideal of the unity, which is so fundamental for preserving the identity of the Church? What should characterise the ecumenical movement of the 21st century? How should we assess the conflicts accompanying the common pursuit of the truth? This article attempts to answer these questions “in an ecumenical way” by juxtaposing the visions of ecumenism presented by two contemporary German-speaking theologians: a Lutheran theologian Michael Welker and Fr Raymund Schwager SJ. The article argues that the Church in her essence corresponds to the pluralism of the modern world while emphasising the inevitability of conflicts and rejecting a negative assessment of their nature.References
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