German bishops, Nazism, faith, education, peace, personal dignity, human rightsAbstract
In their letter of August 20, 1935, the German bishops pointed to faith as a foundation in the struggle against Nazism to restore justice in the world. The message of the Three Divine Persons to whom man is referred in acts of faith forms a premise for defending personal dignity, retaining an invariable moral order, and persisting in hope in the face of Nazi injustice. An attitude of faith implies the willingness to defend the rights of every citizen in collaboration with the institutions of the state and the Church. Attacks against the lives of individuals and social groups question the Divine order that is a prerequisite for integral social development. Therefore, the violence used by the Nazis cannot undermine or relativize the guidance of the Gospel, whereas staying true to the revealed knowledge fosters the development of a new order that is free from violence. Social change is inextricably linked to the process of education, which focuses on the transfer of specific values and on collaboration within the educational environment.References
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