Some Remarks on the Life and Works of Jerzy Ręczyński, the Author of the Poem “Dziewica Litwy Emilia Plater”
November Uprising, Great Emigration, biographic entry, historical poem, Emilia PlaterAbstract
The purpose of this study is a presentation of works of the Lithuanian nobleman Jerzy Ręczyński (1805–1899), a soldier of the 1830–1831 Uprising and, after its suppression, an émigré. Ręczyński lived, in turn, in France and Great Britain. Based on his published literary works, linguistic treatises, his memoirs from the time of the uprising as well as unpublished manuscripts and, above all, his comprehensive diary, his biography has been established, and an analysis of his whole oeuvre carried out. Special attention was paid to the manuscripts kept in the Polish Library in Paris: a journal entitled Życiopis and a historical poem devoted to Emilia Plater. The author of the article attempts at the analysis of the poem’s content and the establishment of its inspiration sources, that is those historical and literary texts that served as the source material for Ręczyński.
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