Revitalizing Western Metaphysics with Hermeneutics: Reading Gadamer in Light of Fundamental Themes in Chung-ying Cheng
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Gadamer, Chung-ying Cheng, Plato, hermeneutics, metaphysicsAbstrakt
The western tradition of metaphysics has been criticized by Chung-ying Cheng on the grounds that it does not have any fruitful bearing on practice. This judgement, however, depends on a concept of metaphysics that Gadamer overturns with a Pythagorean-Platonic ontology. When this side of his philosophy is developed in tandem with Cheng’s onto-generative hermeneutics, in particular its doctrine of harmonization, new possibilities for self-understanding in relation to the grounds of existence are charted: The event of Being emerges from the reciprocity of rhythm in a dialogue self-similar to the rhythms of nature grasped by Cheng in terms of yin and yang. This argument is developed by critically examining and building upon contemporary Gadamer scholarship that both attests to the limits of western thought while also forming conditions that consolidate a cross-fertilization between Cheng and Gadamer on the trans-historical foundations of hermeneutics.
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