Between ideal and reality. The legal and social model of village head in theory and practice in the Carpathian Foothills region from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century
early modern era, commune, village head, social model, Carpathian FoothillsAbstract
The author aims to develop the ideal model of a village head called in Polish wójt (Lat. advocatus) in the early modern era and to confront it with the minutes of the hearings of the village offices of the Carpathian Foothills region from the sixteenth to the late eighteenth century. The model of wójt office was constructed based on the content of the oaths of office, writings of legal theorists, and economic handbooks. A good wójt was characterised mainly by an appropriate attitude towards his duties: loyalty to the lord and the community, fairness in judging and the dignified exercise of his office. In this context, the records of court trials conducted against wójts were analysed to yield conclusions concerning, among other things, the subjectivity of the wójt’s office in the early modern village of the Carpathian Foothills region.
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