Heart muscle dysfunction during physical activity – biochemical response of muscle tissue
In order to achieve the goal of completing a marathon run, athletes who make this effort are on the verge of their endurance. The marathon run is a serious challenge for many regulatory and homeostasis systems. During exercise, dehydration, hyperthermia aAbstract
In order to achieve the goal of completing a marathon run, athletes who make this effort are on the verge of their endurance. The marathon run is a serious challenge for many regulatory and homeostasis systems. During exercise, dehydration, hyperthermia and the synergistic effect of both stressors occur, reduce the stroke volume of the heart and thus blood flow to the muscles, skin and brain. Such intense effort releases markers of heart damage. Their presence is influenced by many factors.
The aim of this review is to summarize current knowledge regarding to effect of intensive physical activity on heart muscle functioning and biochemical response during this type of response. This type of revive could lead to better understanding of this process and propose protective methods during this type of response.
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