Physical activity during aging – role of physical activity in muscle atrophy and physical impairment during aging
muscle strength, coordination, exercise, physical activity, agingAbstract
Regular physical activity and exercise have many beneficial effects for physical and mental health in almost every population. Regular exercises may induce reduction of age-related lean body mass loss and decrease risk of bone fractures. Furthermore it has been observed that regular physical activity may reduce the risk for several chronic diseases including metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, and depression. Exercise, however, especially in elderly populations are not done very often. This is due to the lack of awareness of their beneficial effect and the lack of ideas for such type of activity. The aim of this review is to summarize current knowledge regarding to role and effects of physical exercises on muscle functioning and coordination specially during aging. Before a final recommendation can be made with respect to the possible therapeutically role of physical training in aged people, there is a substantial need for further studies to be performed on this topic.References
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