Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program of independent preventive and health-enhancing exercise classes for middle-aged overweight women
women, middle age, excess body weight, effectiveness, program, preventive and health-enhancing exercise classes.Abstract
The paper addresses the effects of independent preventive and health-enhancing exercise classes on the indicators of morphological status in middle-aged overweight women. The objective of the study was to examine the effects of independent preventive and health-enhancing exercise classes on the indicators of morphological status in middle-aged overweight women. Methods. The following methods were used: theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodological literature; anthropometric and pedagogical methods; and the methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 62 middle-aged women with an average age of 38.5 years. The duration of the transformative pedagogical experiment was nine months. Results of the study. During the pedagogical experiment, significant changes occurred in the morpho-functional status of the women. The most significant changes occurred in the following indicators: waist circumference decreased by 18.4% (p <0.01); abdominal circumference decreased by 12.0% (p <0.01); and waist-to-hip ratio decreased by 8.2% (p <0.01). At the end of the experiment, the individual values of morphological parameters were within physiological ranges in the vast majority of women. In particular, the individual BMI results corresponded to the "normal body weight” according to the gradation scale in 93.5% of women. Individual measures of waist and abdomen circumference and circumference ratios were within physiological norms and indicated the absence of abdominal obesity in middle-aged women. Conclusions. A comparative analysis of the physical condition indicators of overweight middle-aged women, who were participated in the proposed exercise program for nine months, allowed to determine the features of its cumulative effect and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed means and methods that best met the physiological and individual characteristics of women.References
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