Knowledge of nursing students about the physiological determinants of skin care for newborns and infants
skin, care.Abstract
The skin is an organ that contains many functions in the organization: it is a mechanical part, ensures participation in thermoregulation, supervises immunological processes and limits the loss of body fluids, involves participation in the synthesis of vitamin D. Knowledge of physiological conditions of its care and a large impact on the course of adaptation processes, and also on the child's overall health, actions against harmful and microbial agents. Adherence to the principles of skin care for newborns and infants is aimed at maintaining its integrity, preventing its damage, strengthening the barrier, protecting the body against the penetration of chemical substances, behavior and mortality in the newborn and infants.References
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h,klasyczne-zmiany-skorne-u-noworodkow-jako-trudny-problem-w-codziennej-praktyce-klinicznej – dostęp 19.04.2020. - dostęp 19.04.2020 – dostęp 19.04.2020.
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