Model of physical self-development of girls - future officers in the physical education at the military academy
girls, cadets, military academy, physical self-development, pedagogical model, experimentAbstract
The conducted research was aimed at designing a model of physical self-development of girls - future officers, which occurs in the process of their physical education during training at the military academy. To achieve this goal, adequate research methods were used, preference was given to general scientific methods, in particular analysis and synthesis, systematization, generalization, and theoretical modeling. Sources of information were selected from scientometric databases Scopus, SPORT Discus, Web of Science, using keywords. The study of information from literary sources proved the formation of readiness of girls - future officers for physical self-development during training at the military academy at a level that differs from the appropriate one. This made it necessary to design an appropriate structural and functional model. Such a model combined methodological, organizational-methodical, functional, diagnostic and evaluation components and adequate pedagogical conditions, criteria, indicators and levels of readiness of girls - future officers for physical self-development during training at the military academy. The projected model is consistent with others available in pedagogical science, but requires experimental verification of its effectiveness in terms of achieving the set goal.References
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