Administrative decision establishing tasks involved in forest management
prawo leśne, decyzja administracyjna, postępowanie administracyjne, starosta, nadleśniczy, gospodarka leśna, nadzór administracyjnyAbstract
The fundamental aim of this study is to present crucial juridical problems concerning administrative decisions which establish basic tasks involved in forest management in forests not owned by the State Treasury. In the analysis, the normative nature of this act has been determined, the structure of the proceedings conducted pursuant to art. 19 paragraph 3 of the Forest Act and the structural elements of the decision were indicated, as well as the issues related to the inventory of the state of the forest as evidence in administrative proceedings conducted by the county governor (district forester). The research conclusions may be helpful directions for forest owners, as well as – to a greater extent – essential guidelines for the public administration bodies, which are responsible for issuing these decisions within the framework of forest management supervision. As a consequence, this should contribute to the optimization of the legality of inventory decisions of county governors, and also facilitate the judicial control of these administrative acts.
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