quality of life, children, cystic fibrosisAbstract
Aim. Assessment of quality of life of children, adolescents and adults suffering from cystic fibrosis and of their parents.
Methods. Examination involved 23 persons (16 patients and 7 parents). Questionnaires CDQ-12-13, CFQ-14 and CFQ-6-13 were used as research tools.
Results. Children between 12 and 13 years old, as well as young adults and adolescents ranked their physical aptitude and their food-related behaviours as highest, and the appearance of their bodies as lowest. Parents, on the other hand, assessed eating as a difficult effort for their children. A decisive majority of the parents claimed, that everyday therapy was time-consuming, yet fulfilling the therapy recommendations was not intensely difficult for the child. Also for adolescents and young adults, only minimally do the limitations resulting from a prolonged systematic therapy obstruct everyday life.
Conclusion. The assessment of quality of life of children suffering from cystic fibrosis is varied. The highest patients' quality of life assessment is found in schoolchildren aged 12 to 13. Patients assess their body image as very poor.
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