Analysis of nurse staffing during transformation on example of polish hospitals – importance of the RN4CAST research project
analysis of nurse staffing, Patient Classification System, model of employment of nurses in hospitalsAbstract
For many years, the optimization of the model of employment of nurses in hospitals has been sought for in theory and practice, in order to provide patient safety and quality of care.
The objective of the study was the performance of retrospective analysis of nurse staffing in Polish hospitals on the background of tendencies observed in other countries, and the demonstration of the importance of the studies conducted within the EU project RN4CAST.
To-date, both in Poland and in other countries, various methods have been applied, mainly the statistical method which related the number of nurses to constant values, i.e. the number of population or hospital beds, and the Patient Classification System (PCS), which assumes assignment adjusted to the patient status according to the adopted criteria of care. There are advantages and disadvantages with these methods. Both of them focus on instrumental nursing activities, consider the measurement of nursing time, are labour- and time-consuming, require periodical verification and adjustment to specificity of individual wards where care is provided. The report indicates other important factors which exert a potential effect on nurse staffing in a hospital. These factors cover: technical-organizational conditions, provision of equipment for nursing, outsourcing of auxiliary services, post-graduate education, degree of occupational burnout, number of undesirable events, job satisfaction, amount of payment and educational leave. These factors have been considered in the RN4CAST project, the goal of which is to compare employment in 12 European countries and to search for an optimum model of employment of nurses in hospitals for the subsequent 20 years.
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