Morphological and Functional Effects of the Resistance Training and High Physical Activity of Recreational Type in Young Men
amateur bodybuilders, students, anthropometric measurements, functional featuresAbstract
The influence of different types of physical activity on body composition, muscle function, bones and joints is indisputable. It also shapes physical efficiency in different periods of ontogenesis. The aim of this research was to evaluate the morphological and functional effects of the resistance training used by amateur bodybuilders, with reference to subjects declaring high physical activity of different type performed as recreation. Research data was taken from the measurement of 31 amateur bodybuilders and 33 students attending the University School of Physical Education, who declared high physical activity of recreational type. The age of the subjects ranged from 21 to 24 years old. The anthropometric features were examined. Fat mass was assessed on the basis on the skinfolds thickness. The level of three body build components: endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphy were determined with used of Sheldon method. In order to compute static strength in forearm muscles, researchers measured the handgrip of right and left hands. The examined group of students and bodybuilders did not reveal any statistically significant differences in mean body height and components, e.g. length of trunk and lower limbs. However, observable differences were recorded in reference to body mass, which was higher for the group of bodybuilders. The bodybuilders were characterised by significantly wider shoulders and chest. Also, the values of wrist and knee bone breadth were higher in comparison to the group of students. The two groups differed distinctly in muscle development within the upper trunk area, shoulder girdle and upper limbs. Endomorphy and mesomorphy obtained higher values in bodybuilders, while in students they were characterised by greater body slenderness. Handgrip strength was significantly higher for bodybuilders. The research confirmed that both recreational physical activities (jogging, swimming, cycling) and resistance training have a positive influence on the correct body composition and improvement of respiratory and strength capabilities.References
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