Emotional condition of patients subjected to endovascular surgery due to chronić ischemia of the l ower limbs
a sense of control, strategies to cope with disease, negative emotions, positive emotions, social supportAbstract
Introduction. Emotional status of a patient who underwent a surgery is an important element in the recovery process. The aim of the study was to assess changes in positive and negative emotions in patients subjected to endovascular procedure due to chronic ischemia of the lower limbs and the determination of the factors affecting that process.
Materials and methods. 63 patients subjected to endovascular surgery due to chronic ischemia participated in the study. The study group included persons aged 46 to 87 (median 65 years). The following tools were used: a questionnaire on demographic and medical data, Larsen & Diener Affect Intensity Measure Scale, modified Charles Carver's MiniCOPE (situational version) Inventory of coping with stress measurement, Berlin social support scale and Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale. Medical data on the hospitalization time, type of anesthesia and the type of a surgery procedure was also used in the study.
Results. Statistically significant increase of the positive emotions intensity was observed in the studied group of patients Me=9 (min. 0, max. 23) before the surgery and Me=13 (min. 4, max. 27) after surgery and reduced level of negative emotions from Me=10 (min. 1, max. 24) to Me=3 (min. 0, max. 15).
Conclusions. In patients treated for chronic ischemia of the lower limbs an endovascular intervention (revascularization of lower limbs) decreased the negative emotions level and increased the positive ones. Health locus of control does not influence the emotional status change in the studied subjects. Patients with higher levels of perceived social, emotional and instrumental support are characterized by smaller increase of positive emotions intensity after endovascular surgery. Patients with lower levels of perceived instrumental support are characterized by smaller decrease of negative emotions intensity after endovascular surgery. Strategies used to cope with stress related to surgery do not affect the emotional condition change in persons subjected to endovascular surgery. Number of symptoms following endovascular surgery is a predictor of the level of negative emotions.
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