Social functioning of children who have completed acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment
opiates, methadone, TMT A, HIVAbstract
Introduction. A progress in acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment led to an increased number of recoveries. This fact forces us to look closely at the functioning of patients after completed treatment. Learning a subjective evaluation of functioning may indicate existence of nonperceived needs of patients who require specialist care and help outside the hospital environment.
Materials and methods. The research was conducted among patients treated in the Chair and Clinic of Pediatrics, Hematology and Oncology of Nicolaus Copernicus University Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, who have completed acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment. The final group of patients who participated in the research consisted of 64 persons. Research referring to healthy children was carried out among students of primary schools, junior high schools and kindergartens from Bydgoszcz. Only children who have never undergone hospital treatment and did not suffer from chronic diseases were qualified for the said research. The comparative group consisted of 70 healthy children. In order to evaluate the quality of life of children who had completed ALL treatment and of healthy children James W. Varni’s standardized research instrument was used.
Results. The subjective evaluation of social functioning is quite high in all age groups and comprises 85- 88 points. The highest rated item is maintaining good relationships with peers. The most problematic aspects are connected with an inability to perform all activities that peers can perform. As far as indirect evaluation is concerned, the lowest amount of points pertaining to social functioning was given within the group of children aged 2-4. When analysing social functioning, an essential statistical difference in its evaluation, both direct and indirect, was observed in favour of healthy children. As far as statistics is concerned a general evaluation of functioning at school differs significantly between children who have completed ALL treatment and healthy children (69.57 vs. 81.27; p=0.001).
Conclusion. The quality of life within the sphere of social functioning of children and teens who have completed treatment is significantly lower than among healthy children.
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