Paradoxes versus Contradictions in Logic of Sentential Operators
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sentential operators, semantic and intensional paradoxes, classical logic, paraconsistent semantics, (semi)kernels of digraphsAbstrakt
Classical logic, of first or higher order, is extended with sentential operators and quantifiers, interpreted substitutionally over unrestricted substitution class. Operators mark a single layered, consistent metalanguage. Self-reference, arising from substitutional quantification over sentences, allows to express paradoxes which, unlike contradictions, do not lead to explosion. Semantics of the resulting language, using semi-kernels of digraphs, is non-explosive yet two-valued and has classical semantics as a special case for clasically consistent theories. A complete reasoning is obtained by extending LK with two rules for sentential quantifiers. Adding (cut) yields a complete system for the explosive semantics.
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