Local applications of logics via model-theoretic interpretations
https://doi.org/10.12775/LLP.2022.023Słowa kluczowe
interpretations, model-theoretic semantics, proof-theoretic semantics, localism, ST-hierarchyAbstrakt
This paper analyses the notion of ’interpretation’, which is often
tied to the semantic approach to logic, where it is used when referring to
truth-value assignments, for instance. There are, however, other uses of the
notion that raise interesting problems. These are the cases in which interpreting
a logic is closely related to its justification for a given application.
Thus, the paper aims to present an understanding of interpretations that
supports the model-theoretic characterization of validity to the detriment
of the proof-theoretic one. This is done by making use of the hierarchy of
ST-related logics. Finally, a localist conception of logic is defended as the
natural view stemming from the model-theoretic approach.
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