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Directrices para autores/as
Publishing papers in Journal of Folklore and Popular Culture / Literatura Ludowa is free of charge.
The Editorial Board accepts only original texts that have not been previously published and are not being considered for publication in another journal or collective work.
The Editorial Board accepts only texts carefully prepared in terms of language and formal requirements. In the event that the text does not meet the standards of language or formal requirements described below, the editorial team will ask the author to introduce appropriate corrections.
The editors reserve the right to amend and introduce editorial notes to the submitted texts.
The texts should be sent in the form of a single file:
File Format: MS Word (doc, docx) / OpenOffice Writer (odt)
The minimum length of the submitted article – ca. 20,000 characters including spaces; the maximum length of the submitted article – ca. 40,000 characters including spaces. These requirements do not concern submissions to the “Essays and Conversations” and “Reviews and Discussions” sections.
On the front page, please insert:
the full name of the author, the name of the institution which the author intends to represent, e-mail address, ORCD number,
title of the work in English and in the original language,
abstract in English and in the original language (up to 1,500 characters with spaces),
keywords in English and the original language (up to 6 words).
Any graphic material (photos, drawings, maps, tables, charts, etc.), covered by copyright, should contain signatures. It is necessary to indicate the source as agreed with the owner of the graphic content and indicate the copyright owner and the character of the obtained rights for publication.
Graphic materials should be placed in the file of the manuscript in specifically designated places, and should also be sent as separate image files in high resolution.
Settling the issues concerning copyright and financing the rights to reproduce illustrations and graphic material remains with the author or the scientific institution he represents.
Text Formatting
Font: Times New Roman (size 12 pt., alignment on both sides).
Leading: 1.5.
Subheadings: bold.
Emphasis: expanded text (1.5 pts.). No use of bold, italics, underline, etc.
Footnotes: continuous, font 10 pts.
The titles of books, films, paintings, music tracks in the text should be distinguished by the use of italics, journal titles are to be given in quotation marks.
Quotes of up to 40 words should be placed in the text and provided with quotation marks (no italics). Quotations of more than 40 words should be placed in a separate paragraph, with the use of font size of 11 pts. without the use of quotation marks (i.e. block quote).
All quotes and references are to be denoted with parentheses indicating the source according the formula: Surname year: page (Wilson 1987: 22). Closing parenthesis is to be inserted before the period ending the sentence.
When referring to sources in the text, we use the appropriate options: (Wilson 1943) (Wilson 1999a, 1999b), (Wilson 1943; Mańkowski 1889), (Wilson, Mańkowski 2000).
In case the number of authors ranges from 3 to 5 all authors are to be included when mentioned for the first time: (Wilson, Modrzewski, Mankowski, Majewski, Marek 1978), any further mention the shortened version is to be used: (Wilson et al.).
Works authored by 6 or more authors use the following notation: (Wilson et al. 1999).
If several authors have the same name, we introduce initials (Wilson, J. 1999; Wilson, K. 1998).
In references we use the alphabetical order and transliteration according to the BGN system for non-Latin alphabets.
Entries relating to publications in Polish should contain Polish bibliographic abbreviations:
editor: red.
pages [first and last page of the document]: s.
pages [total number of pages in the document]: ss.
in original document, after the full stop symbol: W:
volume: t.
number: nr
et alia: i in.
no date of publication: b.d.
Entries relating to publications in other languages should contain English bibliographic abbreviations:
editor / editors: ed./eds.
pages (first and last page): p.
in an edited volume: In:
volume: vol.
number: no.
et alia, et al.
no date of publication: n.d.
Should the bibliographic items be allocated with a DOI number, they are to be provided with it (DOI can be found at: http://www.crossref.org/guestquery/).
Principles of composing the references according to the APA standards:
Book: Surname, N. (year). The title of the book (trans. N. Surname). Publisher. doi: xyzxyz
Example: Apolito, A. (2005). The internet and the Madonna: Religious visionary experience on the Web (transl. A. Shugaar). The University of Chicago Press.
Chapter in an edited book: Surname, N. (year). Title. In N. Surname (ed.), Title of the book (pages). Publisher. doi: xyzxyz
Example: Dillard, J. P. (2020). Currents in the study of persuasion. In M. B. Oliver, A. A. Raney, J. Bryant (eds.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (4th ed., p. 115–129). Routledge.
Journal article: Surname, N. (year). Title of the article. Title of the journal, tome number(volume number), pages. doi: xyzxyz
Example: Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217. https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000185
Internet content: Autor (year, month, day). Title of thecontent. Title of the Webpage. http://address
U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). U.S. and world population clock. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved January 9, 2020, from https://www.census.gov/popclock/
The authors give the publisher (Polish Ethnological Society) non-exclusive license to use the work in the following fields:
recording of a Work / subject of related rights;
reproduction (multiplication) of the Work / subject related rights by the means of print and digital technique (ebook, audiobook);
circulating copies of the reproduced Work / subject of related rights;
entering the Work / subject of related rights into computer memory;
dissemination of the work in an electronic version in the formula of open access under the Creative Commons license (CC BY - ND 4.0).
The authors give the publisher the license free of charge.
The use of the work by publisher in the above mentioned aspects is not limited with regard to time, quantity or territory.
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Editors and reviewers are obliged to keep confidential all information concerning manuscripts submitted to the editorial office.
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