Julian Przyboś’s Victory and The Defeat of Theory of Equivalence: A Professor of Middle School and a Pupil – a "Grey-haired Madcap" and a Daughter
equivalence, Julian Przyboś, the childAbstract
Czesław Miłosz's diagnosis of Julian Przyboś's emotions, verbalized with the words “No madness has devoured his heart”, can be questioned: it can be negated with two biographical facts: Marzena Skotnicówna and Uta Przyboś (and two daughters from the first marriage). While the poem Z Tatr [From the Tatra Mountains] was a victory of the theory of equivalence, Poems for Uta and Poems and Pictures became its defeat. Only the love of a child caused that, in Przyboś's youth, the programmatic "shame of feelings" in old age was rejected by Słowiarz, who, in the poem The Child and the Peacock, called himself “a grey madcap”.
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