Argentine children’s literature, future orientation, Poulet, Rousseau, mental imagery, daydreaming, cognitive sciencesAbstract
The paper focuses on the Argentine picture book for children by Amalia Boselli and Vero Gatti titled Los indomables pensamientos del Señor O from 2013. It is suggested to analyze the text with respect to Rousseau’s philosophical reflections on time and dreaming as seen by Poulet, and on the basis of the future orientation paradigm and the concept of daydreaming studied from the psychological perspective. The research revolves around the relationship between the main character’s mental imagery and his perception of the future, with regards to actions he undertakes. Over time, Mr. O’s thinking process becomes dominated by the anticipatory imagination which deprives him of boundless creativity experienced in childhood. Eventually the protagonist’s journey ends with the triumph of creative imagination. It is through numerous references to the emotionality and sensuality — present at both verbal and visual levels — that the text by Boselli and Gatti intensifies a singular reading experience. Thus, despite several simplifications and generalizations, it opens up to the individualized (child and adult) reader response.References
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