Opinions on the Podcast Raport o stanie świata among Sponsors Supporting the Podcast Financially
radio, sponsorship, new media, podcastingAbstract
The podcast Raport o stanie świata (Report on the State of the World) is a recognizable brand on the Polish media market because of the quality of production and the personality of its creator – Dariusz Rosiak. Raport… is a subjective commentary on world events by Rosiak and his associates. Its recipients are a faithful and very conscious group of listeners who have a clear opinion about this production. This applies especially to the podcast patrons who support its activities financially and guarantee its functioning. The aim of the study was to find out what the patrons’ opinions about the podcast are. In this context, it was also important to check who the respondents are and from what perspective they evaluate it. The members of the research team joined the closed group of patrons of the Raport... on FB. It was used to conduct a survey with 80 respondents. The research took place between May 10 and May 21, 2021. The survey was created and distributed on the Google Forms platform. In addition, four pre-structured interviews with patrons were conducted via the Messenger application, which allowed for the implementation of some qualitative research. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The participants of the research point towards the high professionalism of the production, its educational character, as well as the independence of the creators. They also appreciate the fact that the program is distributed in the form of a podcast, which allows one to peruse it repeatedly, anywhere and anytime.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Urszula Doliwa, Piotr Kaźmierczak, Ada Stachowicz, Paulina Szczepańska, Magdalena Szydłowska
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