DOI:łowa kluczowe
BCG matrix, management at a universityAbstrakt
The literature on the subject has includes numerous methods and tools which may be helpful in managing a university. Some of them are related to the aspect of balance [1]. This article presents a suggestion to use the idea of the BCG matrix in managing a university. Currently, the BCG matrix is widely used in shaping the production portfolio or the service portfolio. It indicates profitable products and services the surplus of which should be allocated for the development of unprofitable ones which may bring profit in the future. According to the author of the article, the idea of the BCG matrix could be transferred to the level of universities and used to assess faculties indicating the faculties which, due to high profitability, should be maintained and those which require rationalizing actions. The article also presents an example of using a model based on the idea of the BCG matrix in managing faculties at a university.
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