management by objectives, effectiveness, HR team, goal, task, system of organizational termsAbstract
The aim of the paper is to present the method of management by objectives in measuring effectiveness of teams. The main elements of this method – goals and tasks – were used to measure teams’ work on the same project. The quantitative measurers of goals and tasks let assess an effectiveness of teams and compare teams to one another. The methodology of the research was an experiment conducted with on-line management tools named goaler® and tasker® based on the system of organizational terms. This theoretical foundation represent system and positivist approach to management. However, this approach was developed in the mix research method. This paper contains quantitative results and conclusions about effectiveness of teams. For this purpose following measurers were used: numbers of goals and tasks in each group, numbers of actions taken by team managers, duration of teamwork, number of goals and tasks editions. Despite the fact that the method of management by objectives is thoroughly described and parameterized, human contribution in the application of the method in practice appeared still crucial. However, the originality of this paper comes from implementing online management tools which are based on the system of organizational terms and using them to measure human behavior.References
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