The role of financing innovative technological investments with credit for technological innovations
credit for technological innovations, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, technology investment, technology bonusAbstract
Motivation: Credit for technological innovations is implemented under competition projects in Submeasure 3.2.2 of Innovation support for enterprises of Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014–2020. It is a follow-up to the measure implemented under the Innovative Economy programme. The support granted in the form of so-called ‘technology bonus’ allows to partially repay a credit for technological innovations granted by a commercial bank. It is an instrument of financial support aimed at increasing the innovativeness and competitiveness of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME). The innovativeness of Polish MSME is at a very low level, compared to other EU countries., Therefore, it seems necessary to implement various instruments of support and stimulation of investment in innovative technologies.
Aim: assessment of credit procedures and possibilities of financial support MSME activity from a credit for technological innovations. To do this, an analysis is needed of the procedure and funding rules for technological investments with POIR resources. Besides, the literature of the subjects as well as the most important findings and statistics have been reviewed and evaluated.
Results: presentation of the specificity of the credit in the case of technological innovations, including the obtainment of a technology bonus, assessment of the innovative activity of MSME, as well as the state of financing innovations and technological investments of MSME, including indication of limitations in this respect.References
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