Will Brexit cause the whole Britain to leave the European Union?
Brexit, EU, European integration, international trade, transatlantic relationsAbstract
Motivation: The results of the referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU are far-reaching, but hard to predict. One of the areas related to UK’s withdrawal from the EU is whether it will maintain its integrity. The evolving structure of the UK, persistent trends of separatism in the UK, geographical differences in attitudes of UK citizens to Brexit create the background of the study.
Aim: Our goal is to find out whether the effect of Brexit will be leaving the EU by whole Britain and to determine geopolitical and geo-economic consequences of Brexit. The research is an interdisciplinary economic and law study. We use economic (quantitative and qualitative) and legal methods applicable to the research of international institutions using institutional and functional approaches.
Results: Brexit will be a factor of permanent disintegration of UK. Brexit changes the perception and attractiveness of European integration. Brexit will impact the transatlantic order.
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