Key Dimensions in Smart Cities' Rankings - Towards Enhancing the Quality of Life for Smart Cities’ Inhabitants
quality of life, inhabitants, smart cities, economy, rankings, world, EuropeAbstract
Motivation: Urbanization, demographic trends, globalization, and sustainable development contribute to the emergence of smart cities, which entail the intelligent integration of economy, governance, mobility, environment, daily life, and people. Smart city concept means a solution to support the growth of urban areas. One significant aspect discussed in the context of smart cities is the quality of life for their inhabitants. Smart cities are prevalent worldwide, but there is no universally accepted index for accurate and reliable global rankings. Essential criteria for evaluation include livability, health, technology, mobility and transport, economy, environment, governance, and sustainability. The primary objective of this paper is to address the following questions: How do smart cities enhance the quality of life for their inhabitants? What are the key dimensions and indicators used in smart cities rankings in the context of quality of life? Which cities are considered the smartest globally according to the most prominent rankings, and are there any European cities among them?
Aim: The aim of the article is to explore the main dimensions and indicators in smart cities indexes and to present the first three smartest countries based on 2022 rankings. The article answers the question which of the key dimensions of smart cities' rankings are most consistent with the areas of improvement in the quality of life of the inhabitants of these cities. This manuscript may prove valuable for researchers planning to assess the benefits and challenges associated with smart cities.
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