Grammatical mood and assessment of support policy effectiveness
grammatical mood, language, policy effectiveness, COVID-19, experimental economicsAbstract
Motivation: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on economic research, particularly in analyzing the effects of the virus on entire economies, specific sectors, and individual businesses. While there have been numerous studies on the pandemic’s impact on the labor market, various economic sectors, and the environment, there remains a gap in research exploring the relationship between economics and linguistic aspects, such as language.
Aim: The purpose of this article is to address this research gap by examining the connection between language and economics. Specifically, the authors focus on the influence of linguistic variables on economic categories. In this study, the authors adopt the perspective that language can affect economic activities and aim to analyze how the grammatical form used in communication influences the assessment of the effectiveness of economic policy. By exploring this aspect, the article aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the interplay between language and economics.
Results: Authors show that language may also be an essential framing instrument, while various grammatical moods affect the perception of messages that concern economic issues differently and are perceived differently depending on the level of identification with a given policy.
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