Ethical and regulatory challenges amid artificial intelligence development: an outline of the issue
Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI regulations, AI ethics, regulatory competitionAbstract
Motivation: The Fourth Industrial Revolution brings with it numerous challenges for society, business and government. Its nature and pace is dictated by the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The acquisition, collection, analysis, processing and informed use of data, as well as the continued development of artificial intelligence algorithms, are becoming the basis for the development of modern economies. However, its implementation is associated with a number of opportunities as well as threats. The way and extent to which artificial intelligence-based technologies are used requires constant attention, the basis of which is an appropriate regulatory system.
Aim: The purpose of the paper is indicating and discussing selected challenges facing people and institutions responsible for creating regulations regarding the use and implementation of artificial intelligence. The regulators should , therefore, find a proper balance between innovation and credibility.
Results: The analysis of the available literature allows to indicate at least 3 important challenges facing regulators: these are providing a precise definition of AI, ethical threats and competition in terms of creating suitable regulations regarding AI. The European Union has developed regulations on artificial intelligence with respect for freedom and human rights. This is a different approach from other regions of the world, including regulations established in the US or China.
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