Company Competitiveness Profiles on the example of Polish enterprises in the Silesian Region in 2020
company competitiveness, company competitiveness profile, competitive potential, strategy of competition, competitive advantageAbstract
Motivation: The concept of competitiveness is used to define the ratio of enterprises to competitors and results from many internal features and the ability to deal with an external environment. However, comparing main elements of company competitiveness to each other does not give detailed position in the market sector, which is the main area of competition. Therefore it is necessary to look for a different method of companies comparison in the field of their competitiveness.
Aim: The purpose of this paper is to present a assessment method of company competitiveness based on the Company Competitiveness Profile in a market sector. The Company Competitive Profile consists of different variables of a competitive potential, a strategy of competition and a competitive advantage. This method is verified based on results of the Company Competitiveness Barometer conducted in 2021 in 177 Polish companies in the Silesian Region. The Company Competitiveness Barometer is an online research tool for assessing company competitiveness which has been used by the authors since 2012.
Results: The questionnaire used in the Company Competitiveness Barometer contains 48 questions. 45 of them are related to the characteristics of the company that are affecting its competitiveness, and 3 questions are metric questions. The questionnaire can be found on There were 2 hypotheses which were verified in the paper: H1: The configuration of the components of the Company Competitiveness Profile is different in different sectors of the economy. H2: Each company can be characterized in a sector by its individual Company Competitive Profile. The papers presents verification of two hypothesis which concern the Company Competitive Profiles and their use in assessment of company competitiveness in an economic sector. This is also an added value and an original contribution to company research methodology.
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