Anty-Rzym. Projekt eklezjalno-polityczny Jana Kalwina
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Jean Calvin, Martin Luther, theocracy, Calvinism, ReformationAbstrakt
There are three goals of this text. The first is the presentation of church and political plans of Jean Calvin. The author presents the great project of the Rome-bis of Calvin. This is his concept of building a universal church as a competition for the Catholic Church. Calvin’s aim is to replace the church with the capital in Rome by a church with a capital in Geneva. The second goal is the comparison between the universal idea of the Calvin’s church with the territorial vision of the church-state of Martin Luther. From this comparison follows that Luther is a "parish" reformer without an internationalist impetus, whose church is subjected to the authority of the local state. The third goal is an attempt to answer the question why the universal ecclesial structure of Calvin crumbled immediately after his death? The author argues that this is due to an erroneous concept of faith and enthusiasm as the foundation of this building, without a firm basis in the canon law.
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