Protestancka monarchia czy prawno-naturalna republika? Niemiecki katolicyzm polityczny wobec kwestii formy i typu państwa u zarania Republiki Weimarskiej
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Niemcy, monarchia, republika, legitymizm, chrześcijańska demokracjaAbstrakt
The purpose of this text is the presentation of political discussion between many Catholics around the form of the state (regime) of Germany after World War I and the fall of the Empire of Hohenzollern. Legitimists were supporters of the science of St. Augustine and recognized monarchism as a "dogma" of faith. Christian Democrats (Zentrum) advocates St. Thomas learning and accepted the republic, if will be Christian. We believe that this theological and political discussions must be viewed in the perspective of the position of German Catholicism in the State. Catholics are 1/3 of the population, and the fallen empire was anti-Catholic, because strongly Lutheran (Kulturkampf). German monarchists viewed the question of regime only from the theological and ideological perspective. Christian democracy viewed this question from a political perspective, searching system that will best protect the rights of the Catholic minority.Bibliografia
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