Jezuicka myśl polityczna XVI–XVII wieku wobec problemu monarchii (Francisco Suárez i Roberto Bellarmino)
The theological, ecclesiastical and political thought of Jesuit Counterreformation it’s a very
curios case against i.e. political theology formulated by Carl Schmitt. The specific of political
ideas of Counterreformation is the strange mixture between monarchical idea of God,
monarchical idea of pope and republican, pre-republican or constitutional royalty. The
aim of this article is the examination of this interesting case study. We have in this epoch
the confrontation between two political ideas: royal monarchy of sovereign state and papal
monarchy in the Church. In this same moment we se the growth of centralised modern
state as parallel growth of centralised Church. We se an evident parallel between the notions
of sovereignty in the state and infallibility and primacy in the Catholic Church. And the
believers in Church are in the same time the subjects in the state. We have classic clash
between two great forces in the same land. The situation is worsened by the Reformation and
abjuration from Catholicity by few rulers. In this case the papal monarchy prefer the ideas of
constitution, limited government, right to resist to the tyrants, i.e. schismatic or protestant
sovereigns. Jesuit statement against the political theology is the effect of understanding that
the theological and political power of pope is impossible in the world of sovereign states.
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