“Journey’s End”: Native Americans and relocation in “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
https://doi.org/10.12775/CJPS.2022.003Słowa kluczowe
The United States of America, American history, American culture, North American Indians, relocation, Star TrekAbstrakt
The main objective of the research is to use “Journey’s End”, the 1994 Star Trek: The Next Generation episode as an example of the 1990s American text that addresses the issue of Native Americans, their problems, history and needs. The quoted episode tries to address those questions in a respectful way; however, it tends to exchange one stereotype of Native American for another, doing very little justice to North American Indians. Additionally, “Journey’s End” will be compared to other contemporary texts that focused on similar themes, with a discussion on influence of these texts on modern American society and its approach to its own history and to Native Americans in general.
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