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Turkey, Erdoğan, the Gülen movement, CHP, Boğaziçi University, ideal citizensAbstrakt
This article focuses on the construction of yerli ve milli (local and national) citizens by the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi; AKP) of Turkey. Drawing on the boundary making approach, it discusses that loyalty to the AKP, more specifically to President Erdoğan (the founder of the AKP), acts as the main boundary marker for the construction of the AKP’s yerli ve milli citizens. Unlike the preceding Kemalist rhetoric, drawing its fixed boundaries based on strict ideological principles (being “modern”, speaking Turkish, and being a secular Sunni Muslim), the AKP’s yerli ve milli citizen construction is contingent and pragmatic. This paper analyzes three cases: the Gülen movement, the Republican People’s Party, and Boğaziçi University, each of them representing a different ideological background, and illustrates that for the AKP loyalty trumps over all the ideological differences. This means that anyone, regardless of their ideological background, who has shown disloyalty to the AKP and/or Erdoğan, can become non-yerli ve milli overnight or, in the AKP’s terminology – a terrorist.
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