https://doi.org/10.12775/CJPS.2021.003Słowa kluczowe
Russian Federation, defense policy, security doctrine, Russian foreign policy, external defense ringAbstrakt
Since 2015, there has been a change in the security doctrine regarding the forms of use of the military potential of the Russian Federation’s Armed Forces, while the use of political-military influence has been transformed. The main thesis of the article is based on the assumption that Russian foreign policy is directed by strategic objectives and achieved through a wide range of projects, including limiting all forms and methods of possible retaliatory action from the international community. One of the most important tasks in the defense effort is to expand the so-called external defense ring, the essential elements of which are coordinated political and economic undertakings (strategic safeguarding of Russian interests) and the development of the armed forces’ combat potential (military deterrence). It should be noted that the priority forms of influence are political-diplomatic and economic instruments, only supported and supplemented by military potential. Within the framework of this military potential, the important elements of the projects are in a wide sense the practical implementation of the idea of non-contact war, the activities of special forces and information warfare.
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