The Usage of Politics of Memory in Polish Foreign Policy: Present State and Perspectives
DOI:łowa kluczowe
politics of memory, Polish Foreign Policy, World War II, Tusk, Donald (1957–), Kaczyński, Lech (1949–2010)Abstrakt
In the article, the author presents the present state of the usage of politics of memory as a substantiation of Polish foreign policy and its perspectives for following three years. Beginning with the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the World War II, he presents how the Polish remembrance has transformed from a “conservative” vision under President Lech Kaczyński to a “conciliatory” one that is promoted by Prime Minister Donald Tusk. As a result of the intellectual clash, he recognizes the dominance of Tusk’s vision, which he describes, referring to outlooks of the prime minister and Paweł Machcewicz, a prominent Polish historian and close associate of Tusk. Then, he enumerates fifteen significant anniversaries, which may be used to present the Polish understanding of the past and to support foreign policy actions in the following years. The author also states his observations, suggestions, and remarks about the possible course of celebrations.
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