Are Poland and Canada: Becoming Close Partners?
DOI:łowa kluczowe
Poland, Canada, Polish community in Canada, Robert Dziekanski, KGHMAbstrakt
The author presents relations between
Canada and Poland in 21st century.
He explains the reasons for the lack of close
connections between the two countries.
Then, he recognizes few historical
links, focusing on Polish migration
to Canada. Afterwards, he describes
official diplomatic relations by presenting
meetings of politicians from both
countries in 20th century. The foundation
of relations between countries in modern
world is economics, which is presented
in next part. The author presents facts
about trade and investment. In next part,
he describes the Polish community in
Canada, focusing on the Canadian Polish
Congress and other organizations that
play an important role in life of Polish
minority. Finally, the two most important
events of last decade of bilateral relations
are presented: death of a Polish immigrant
that was tasered in Vancouver and recent
takeover of Quadra FNX, a Canadian
mining company, by the Polish copper
corporation KGHM. The author describes
the incident with Robert Dziekanski,
presenting the reaction to it by Canadians
and Poles, as well as the results of the
investigation. He also gives facts about KGHM’s purchase of Quadra FNX and
explains what this transaction means to
the Polish company. The author concludes
by deliberating about perspectives of
relations between Canada and Poland.
Full text:
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